Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Cache of Billet-doux

In perhaps a strange juxtaposition with the serenity of the side bar of this blog that the pic that goes with this post is placed. It’s strange that I land up in storms pretty now and then… maybe personal, may be situational… but always the ones that elicit a strong reverberation from my brain. I just don’t get the fact that people in this world, are so frustrated and jobless that they go beyond the station of rationality to pervade (all so suddenly)[1] to the life that someone else is eking out for his own widout for the slightest stepping into the messy way of oders. And yes I support the use of the word ‘eking’, as I shall openly lay a challenge to any one for bringing in a life that is not deficient in some way or the other.

People talk about identity quite often… I find it pretty amusing… waddafuck!!![2] The confused state of someone’s existence or rather more precisely identity seems to be transposed in nosing into the private funs that someone else enjoys. Oh!!! If it is really about the identity that one questions then why not lead a life of security and sleep in peace instead of meddling into the nature and character of someone else… a someone else who shall never return you with anything but a smiling face!!! I don’t get the point of such hopeless cluelessness of a few ‘good’ men/women. The mere fact that someone invents a tacit measure to give expression to the unvented frustrations of fate, circumstance and ability, I once more find abominably amusing.

A storm raged through my place… a few days back… I stayed put to a lot… but the dust and the garbage shall enter… specially if u r put in the middle of a desert that is smeared with the phenomenon of dust.

As I stood by the edge of the terrace, the storm in my face, I guess I realized sumthing… regeneration is pricey, it is dear… I remember ‘what the thunder said’; I know “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”[3] I know that we shall survive the night in fact we have… just a few more facets revealed… and as the thunder whispered,
Shantih! Shantih! Shantih!
[1] Reference to a particular dingy writeup that someone preferred posting either for or in someone else’s name…don’t ask abt the reasons… there seem not to be any.
[2] The first slang in the entire blog!!!
[3] Friedrich Nietzsche

Monday, April 09, 2007

A Storm Yet Again

Again I sit dwn to write about a storm, … I think it is abt a year now since I last wrote abt it… jus the same expressions … perhaps a bit more convoluted and a lot more observed… and ofcourse a change in the medium of expression…but that doesn’t matter at all I guess…after all any writing is “just a way of expression – a mouth”.

An internal conflict that was raging for quite some time now, was reaching its culmination, as the time around me was closing in with the end term exams approaching… I was thinking, pondering and wasting my time… my expression found its way through the vent of nature as I saw the whirling up of pure dust from the ground to the proximity of the sky… somehow at times they seemed to me like the manifestations of my confusion or rather my realizations that steam up within my soul trying to reach the ultimate level within my being… But that never lies realized… the dust never reach the sky…

The view on all sides of mine (as I stood on the terrace) was one of gloom, but that is to be sheared by the strong winds… as the clouds whiz past by the lightning scars, there seems to be an analogy between myself and nature.. let that be.. perhaps I now also don’t know what I am to be writing about… as I continue, the blog reverberates the darkness and the boredom that I signify…

Datta, Damyata, Dayadham,
Shantih, Shantih, Shantih…